We are currently studying the paper titled "Essence and Purpose of Cursillo" in September and October 2024 followed by the book "Eduardo Bonnin Aguilo 100 Years Biography Mentality".
The School of Leaders is not a school in the academic sense. Instead, it is a school in the sense of a gathering, such as a school of fish. It is a gathering of Cursillo leaders. It helps these leaders to "discover, accept, and grow in their vocations, bringing them together so that together they can take on the responsibility of being leaders in the Church, in the Movement, and in their respective secular environments."
If you are a Cursillista (i.e., you have attended a Cursillo Weekend), and are interested in serving the Cursillo community, please come join us.
Come and join for a Spirit filled year. Please mark your calendars!
"As paradoxical as this may seem, the Cursillo Movement is born from a school and not the reverse. […] The school precedes the Cursillos, since it is within it that it was born, it is within it that it still gets its sustenance and it is from it that it expands. At all times, the school has been – and continues to be – the pillar essential for the continuity and development of the Cursillo Movement. " (no. 530 and 531)
These are the Schools of Leaders planned by the Secretariat and intended for all Cursillistas. Best case, everyone should come to one of these schools, because we need to "school together" to build up a vibrant community capable of hosting Cursillo weekends to keep our movement growing.
Holy Family in Sparta - 7pm via web conference.
Email Teresa Border for access instructions at tlbmgr@yahoo.com
Dates for 2025: Jan 23, Feb 20, March 20, April 17, May 15, June 26, July 24,
August 21, Sept 18, Oct 16, Nov 13
St. John Vianney in Wyoming - First Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the parish office conference room.
St. Joseph Church (basement) in Pewamo - Third Thursday of the month at 7pm
Our Lady of Consolation Catholic Church
4865 11 Mile Rd NE, Rockford, MI 49341
First Monday of the month at 7PM
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Rm
Enter the Church Bldg from the North side.
From Grand Rapids English Cursillo Secretariat 6/10/2018
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to attend school of leaders. In addition to the regularly scheduled monthly meetings we’d like to make it so any group of 3 or more, on any day or
night could have a school of leaders.
Before going on though, we want to stress the importance of keeping our current schools going, and ask that you join us for those schools if at all possible. Since school of leaders is
mostly about building up the community of Leaders that will run the weekend, The more people we get participating together, the stronger the community we build for the Cursillo
Regularly scheduled monthly School of Leaders meets every 3rd: Monday, 7pm, Holy Family in Sparta Tuesday, 7pm, St John Vianney in Grand Rapids Thursday, 7pm, St Joseph in Pewamo.
However, though these are very consistent and dependable times and places, and each has a leader responsible to run the meeting, many people cannot make those meetings for various reasons.
We’d like to make it possible for folks in that situation to set up their own School of Leaders when they CAN participate. If you can follow all the directions below, you can set up a
school when it is most convenient, in a place of your choice. Read the attachment below for more details
Current plans for what we will study each month and how we will study it.
For printing off copies for your school. Every School of Leaders starts with the Leaders Prayer.